Matt Cheely
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Hi, I'm Matt. I'm a software engineer/architect/manager/whatever-needs-doing-er. My professional career and personal projects skew toward the front-end, with a heavy Elm bias for personal projects. I'm comfortable with back-end web development as well, though. I've written services in Java, Clojure, and Elixir, and enjoy learning new languages in general.

Here are some other places you can find me online:


Personal Projects

Personal projects that I work on in my spare time. Some playful, some serious.

Team Party Join

An app for finding shared games to play with a group of friends online.

Axe Live

A framework-agnostic tool that highlights accessibility errors in your app while it runs


A lo-fi CSS framework. This page uses it.


Pure CSS ASCII animations. There aren't many in there, but it was fun making it easy to add new ones

Elm Animation Demos

A few "look how fast it is" app framework demos ported to Elm.


Talks that I've given that have slides I can share online.

A Short Introduction to Elm

This is the intro talk I used to give to folks new to Elm when I was running the Triangle Elm meetup. It's not quite as useful without someone to talk through the code, but I'm pretty pleased by how much it covers quickly. Elm helps a lot by being a very simple language.

Advent of Code

Every few years I get drawn into Advent of Code by friends and co-workers and get partway through it before I have to stop due to time constraints.


Professional Projects

Most of my professional work is behind account logins, but once in a while I get to work on something open source or otherwise publicly visible. These are some of those projects. I've been fortunate enough to work with a lot of great folks, so I can't take full credit for any of these. It's always a team effort.

Genesys' Design System Components

Custom elements created with Stencil


Iframe based micro-frontend tooling. The reasons to use iframes are long story, but the docs cover it a bit. It suits a specific set of organizational needs, but most projects could use tools that are less strictly decoupled at runtime.